Fairview Elementary Aerospace and Science Magnet School is increasing the level of rigor and relevance in instruction. The Bailey Group lesson plans and materials are used to teach the Mississippi Department of Education Standards in the Kindergarten through Second Grade in the area of Mathematics. The Bailey Group Lesson Plans and Materials are also used to teach Mississippi Department of Education Standards in the Third through Fifth Grade in the areas of ELA and Mathematics. Students in grades Kindergarten through 2 are using The Mc Graw Hill Program in the areas of ELA.
Math Curriculum:

The enVision Math Program is used in grades 3-5 to teach math standards. K-2 grades use the lesson plans provided by The Bailey Group. High Impact Groups and High Impact Centers are at the core of instruction. We strive to facilitate active student engagement that produces critical and high order thinking skills.
ELA Curriculum:
The Bailey Group Lesson Plans are used to teach ELA Standards in grades 3-5 using novels. Students are required to use text-based evidence. High Impact Groups and High Impact Centers are at the core of instruction. We strive to facilitate active student engagement that produces critical and high order thinking skills.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics):

STEM Units and PLTW Modules are integrated into our curriculum to meet our science standards in grades K-5. Fairview is dedicated to ensuring that our students are prepared for the global workforce.
Science Lab:
Fairview offers a high quality academic program infused with Math and Science education. A research-based Science Exploration Lab offer students an opportunity for in-depth studies of physical science, earth science, and life science. Research shows math and science education are critical components to prepare students to compete in a global workforce.